Vincent Grange - About
Dorothy’s Interior Boulevard (2025)
Dorothy’s Closet - v3 (2024)
Dorothy’s Picnic Set (2024)
Dorothy’s Closet - v2 (2024)
Dorothy’s Closet - v1 (2024)
La voisine qui en savait trop (2024)
The House of Dorothy - v2 (2024)
Entre 70 et 75 degrés (2024)
The House of Dorothy - v1 (2023)
Bonnie (2023)
First Encounter (2022)
Maison Sauvage (2022)
KETA1000 (2021)
L’Allégorie de la Caverne (2021)
KETA1000 (2021)
Direction and realisation of a 3D animated music video for KETA1000 by STEDBOYZ - the story of wooden horse dreaming to go high and to never come down. Entirely animated on Blender.