Vincent Grange - About
Dorothy’s Interior Boulevard (2025)
Dorothy’s Closet - v3 (2024)
Dorothy’s Picnic Set (2024)
Dorothy’s Closet - v2 (2024)
Dorothy’s Closet - v1 (2024)
La voisine qui en savait trop (2024)
The House of Dorothy - v2 (2024)
Entre 70 et 75 degrés (2024)
The House of Dorothy - v1 (2023)
Bonnie (2023)
First Encounter (2022)
Maison Sauvage (2022)
KETA1000 (2021)
L’Allégorie de la Caverne (2021)
Maison Sauvage - the laundry room (2022)
Scenographer, VJ, graphic designer and event planner of the event Maison Sauvage at the Modern and Contemporary Art Museum of Geneva (MAMCO). The collective opens a new room of its House at each event they organise, this one was the laundry room.
Vincent has been part of the collective Maison Sauvage organisation team since its creation in 2017, in charge of the visual communication prior the events, and all scenography/vjing aspects.

© Maison Sauvage, 2022