Vincent Grange

Dorothy’s Interior Boulevard (2025)
Dorothy’s Closet - v3
Dorothy’s Picnic Set (2024)
Dorothy’s Closet - v2 (2024)
Dorothy’s Closet - v1 (2024)
La voisine qui en savait trop (2024)
The House of Dorothy - v2 (2024) 
Entre 70 et 75 degrés (2024)

The House of Dorothy - v1 (2023)

Bonnie (2023)

First Encounter (2022)

Maison Sauvage (2022)

KETA1000 (2021)

L’Allégorie de la Caverne (2021)



Ongoing exhibition:
21.11.2024-06.04.2025: Ljubljana Biennial of Design (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Upcoming exhibition:
01.04.2025: Istituto Svizzero (Milano, Italy)

© Vincent Grange (2025)

The House of Dorothy - v2 (2024) - Printemps Carougeois (GE, CH)

This project was first exhibited at the Haute Ecole d’Art et Design of Geneva (HEAD). The project was then revisited and redesigned in some aspects for a solo show at Printemps Carougeois in april 2024, curated by Yaël Ruta. More information on the project itself here

In collaboration with the Festival Everybody’s Perfect, The House of Dorothy hosted a very special drag queen performance by Princesse GenderFuck. Video ->here.

In order to avoid persecution for homosexuality in the United States during the mid 20th century, gay men, and later the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole, introduced themselves as “friends of Dorothy” in order to discreetly communicate their identity, gender or sexual orientation. In the 1980s, the Naval Investigative Service heard about this phenomenon within the US army in Chicago, and led a prolonged and futile investigation to catch Dorothy, hoping she would share the names of all her gay friends in the military.

This immersive installation invites the public to embark on a journey through the different rooms and corridors of The House of Dorothy, this most wanted imaginary woman. In addition to condemning this homophobic investigation through a philosophy of absurdity, this project stands as an homage to the many queer spaces around the world and their stories, and intends to highlight the importance of their existence. At the intersection of Queer History and spatial design, the architecture, artifacts, and different machines contribute to the storytelling of the imaginary life of this extraordinary woman.

Tribune de Genève: La «Maison de Dorothy» fait une ode aux espaces queer (Irène Languin)
Magazine 360: Are you a friend of Dorothy ? (Arnaud Gallay)
L’Agenda queer 360: La Maison de Dorothy

Special thanks to:
Yael Ruta
Printemps Carougeois
Maude Renevier
Tristan Bartolini
Guillaume Martin-Taton
Tanguy Troubat
Ankita Das
Collectif Kimera
Diane Dedoyan

Photos © Tanguy Troubat - Souplex Atelier